Professional Articles & Presentations
Explore our collection of expert articles, providing detailed insights and comprehensive analysis on a variety of topics related to forensic engineering, personal injury, slip & falls, and accident reconstruction. Click the view document button to access and download our articles.
A Forensic Engineering Analysis of Pedestrian Trips And Falls
by Dr. Gary A. Presswood, ScD, PE (NAFE 439)
NAFE 2019 Winter Conference Orlando, FL
Presentation January 5, 2019
Slips, Trips and Falls: A Primer
Nevada Lawyer April 1995
The Skid to Stop Formula - Its Use and Misuse
Myths of Low-Speed Rear-End Impacts Revealed!
by Dr. Gary A. Presswood, ScD, PE
Originally proposed for publication
but substituted for future presentation
A Current Evaluation of Slip and Trip/Fall Accidents
Presented to Investigative Engineers Association November 13, 2009 Las Vegas, Nevada
Vehicle Accident Reconstruction Techniques
(Peer-reviewed presentation of vehicle accident reconstruction techniques and problem concepts for unique conditions)
Forensic Engineering Evaluation of Statistical Validity in Low-Speed Vehicle Impact Cases
(Peer-reviewed seminar presentation to the National Academy of Forensic Engineers, Hollywood, Florida, Jan. 10, 2015, RE: Statistical experts in low-speed vehicle impact, injury causation)